My Journey

Claircognisance, clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience are some of the gifts that visited me at various times, but the most frequent experience was in the form of premonition. As many people experience, life hasn't always been easy. While I haven't always understood the guidance received at the times, such unseen support has helped me through many situations, and I came to understand when those situations manifested in my life. However, our programming can be difficult to shake off and I've spent much time working on my own healing. Many of the modalities I trained in brought healing for me too. Shamanic practice gives me a way of being comfortable in working with our Spiritual helpers.
I trained as a Registered nurse and worked in the Orthopaedic department for a number of years, moving to elderly care once I married. Ian is my hubby. I have two sons and three grandchildren. I was involved with alternative therapies over a number of years with home visits before opening my practise. It was mainly a remedial therapy practise with Reiki healings and training with other modalities available at times.

I've had a great time with all the training modalities I learned and they certainly brought shifts in myself. Here is a run down of the trainings I have done that have led to the work I do today.

I originally trained in swedish, remedial & sports massage and initial work was a remedial practice. I later added the Bowen technique.

Energy healing was my great love and I trained in Reiki healing. I have been a Reiki Master since 2001, having the pleasure to initiate new Reiki healers over the years.

Angels & Ascension with the Diana Cooper School
Past life regression and Spirit Release
Bach Remedy Practitioner with The Bach Centre 
Theta healing basic, advanced and intuitive anatomy
Sacred Activations
Shamanic Practitioner
Core Expansion Healing
The Thorp Healing Method