The Thorp Healing Method is a Channelled Light Healing modality brought to us through Janine Thorp.


We all have an understanding of what channelling is. In a healing capacity its channelled energies that are being received by the person who is the channel. Teachers/light workers are on the planet just now receiving and sharing their knowledge of such frequencies received. So what are these frequencies?

You may or may not have heard of Universal Light Language. Within the Language of Light there exist codes, symbols and sacred geometries. It is one of the communication systems for all light beings and one way Ascended Masters transmit messages. We are receiving theses frequencies all the time although we may be unaware of it. The Ascended Masters want to help us on our evolutionary journey and such frequencies are downloaded to us.

Don't feel concerned if you don't feel such energies coming in. The information still reaches you through a stepped down process where the Divine Self receives the frequencies and translates them into our consciousness. 


The Thorp Healing Method

I’ve trained in a few channelled healing modalities and have gained much insight into how they can benefit us. Sessions with the Thorp Healing Method can help you clear what may be standing in your way.

You can work on any area of your choice and the energies will meet you where you are at this present time. Hence everyone’s experience will be different. There may be recognised shifts for some while those who have blocks in the emotional body may find it takes a little longer while the energies work through such blocks.

Blockages in our energy may be due to limiting beliefs we have formed, programs/conditioning, ancestral and archetypal influences, past life influences or from the collective unconscious.

Some people may experience some insights during a channelled healing session while others may experience insights in the days that follow. Sometimes an unfolding of the healing may take place over the weeks that follow and in some instances longer. This is because such light codes meet us where we are in our own evolutionary process. If there is a lot to clear or energy blockages exist due to certain beliefs and programs, the progress may be a little slower. Please note - if you feel you don't experience anything the essences and codes will still be doing their work and it may be life starts to flow more easily. 


In the Thorp Healing Method we are working with Universal intelligence such as angels and spiritual helpers, and nature intelligence who help bring things into form. It is a very gentle healing modality yet powerful at the same time. I tune in and am the conduit for you to receive the energies the Universal & Nature Intelligence advise beneficial at that time.

If you are familiar with any type of energy healing you will be aware cleansing symptoms may arise. Most people do not have  symptoms with the Thorp Healing Method however, depending on what resides in your energy field, some people may experience a physical or emotional release. This is just the body’s way of processing. Keeping the body well hydrated is recommended. Any release demonstrates the depth of the clearing and healing which has occurred. When the clearing is complete and the healing is fully integrated, your life will have shifted in some respect. Sessions are done on zoom and are recorded so that you can listen to the session whenever you want and receive the benefits once more. 

Your Investment

Your investment for a channelled healing session is £50. Sessions take place on zoom. You will receive a recording of the session and you can listen to this again if you wish.