Shamanic Healing

There are various shamanic healing practises that can help us on our personal journey of healing. A shamanic practitioner works with helping spirits who are central to shamanic practise. A shamanic healing session will be determined by needs identified during the initial consultation. A combination of the following techniques may be used.

Power Retrieval

Some life experiences may be disempowering in some way. We may give away our power to others in authority, family members , or on adopting a subservient role. We may lose our power in oppressive relationships, trauma, and difficulties faced in life.

Such loss of power may lead to depression, illness, or just the sense that nothing seems to go right for us in life. A shamanic practitioner can journey to retrieve this lost power and restore life force energy. Once returned further integration will occur over time.

Soul Retrieval

Just as we can experience loss of power, we can also experience soul loss. The soul can fragment and become lost to us due to experiences such as 
  • emotional & physical trauma
  • accidents
  • surgery; undergoing anaesthesia
  • experiencing violence
  • experience of war situations
We can also give part of ourselves away, for instance in love relationships, due to bereavement. Such loss may leave us feeling dissociated, depressed, prone to addiction or with a general apathy for life. With a soul retrieval soul parts can be retrieved by the practitioner & returned to the person.

Shamanic Extraction

When we experience soul loss, gaps may form in our energy system and the energy field surrounding our body. Once created there is the opportunity for heavier energy to come in and reside in the gaps, subsequently affecting our body and energy field. Such energy intrusions can lead to problems in our energy system or disease.

Shamanic extraction is a healing method for removing such intrusions. This healing is done as part of another shamanic healing, usually soul retrieval

Shamanic De-possesion

This type of work is related to spirit attachment, where a spirit links to someone, subsequently benefiting from the person's energy. In some instances a person may be unknowingly attracting such attachments.

Such situations can be complicated. If attachment is recent, it may be possible to remove it from a person's field in one session. However, it is the responsibility of the individual to be mindful to avoid such attachments occurring again. In cases of long established attachment many treatments may be needed. Once more, without the individuals input to avoiding such things they may return.

The Healing Journey

Deciding to step onto a healing path takes courage. I’ve been on a healing journey for a good part of this lifetime, both in the emotional and physical sense. The one thing I’ve learned is healing isn’t linear. That fact alone can mean it’s not always easy. And so to continue on a healing path also takes courage. However, healing has its own process and sometimes more may be needed. This could simply be giving yourself more time for self care. It could mean more treatments – shamanic or otherwise – may be helpful at a later time. Most healings involve being in touch with our emotional selves while processing any material. However, having such awareness helps you take one step at a time. It doesn’t have to be done all at once. Go at your own pace.

Having walked my own healing journey emotionally over many years, I know there is no magic solution. However, every step we take brings us one step closer to ourselves. All healing work we participate in will work for our highest good. The outcome may be different than expected but that too is healing and gives the opportunity for reflection on what should be the next step.
Shamanic healing has the potential for transmutation & transformation, which is a huge energy involvement. The energy will continue to integrate in the days and weeks following the session and may take one month to six months to integrate fully. As
with all healing, this may be the start of a further journey into healing.

Your Investement for Shamanic Healing is

Allow a maximum of 2 hours for your shamanic healing appointment. This will consist of an intake interview, after which I will be guided by the helping spirits as to what is needed in the healing session. The journeying begins to complete the healing advised and you are better to have time after the session if needed. Allowing 2 hours accommodates this.

In person shamanic healings take place in my home extension. 
 If you are having a distance shamanic healing, the interview will take place beforehand on zoom. You will be required to lie down while the healing is carried out remotely. After the session, we will meet again on zoom to discuss.