I developed an unwanted and uncomfortable relationship with fluoride many years ago. As a nurse I believed every word the "professionals" from the health board that employed me spouted forth. This led to giving both my sons fluoride supplements. Simon was fortunate to get half the dose as advised by my dentist. Adam wasn't so lucky as by that time I was ill and halving the dose didn't cross my mind. 

Adam went on to develop dental fluorosis and sustained a spiral fracture of a tibia at the same time. Despite halving the dosage, Simon was found to have symptoms of fluoride poisoning too. This all coincided with the anti fluoride campaign that was running at the time, for whom I'm thankful as they helped refer the boys to an Orthopaedic surgeon who worked in a fluoridated area. We were in the local press. I was hated by some mothers and thanked by others and did not like being in the spotlight one bit.

Knowing there is a potential risk from fluoride for some people, I was alarmed when I read of a potential link to dementia. However, the link with dementia does not lie with fluoride supplements or toothpaste. It concerns natural fluoride in the water supply and the actual culprit is aluminium. Researchers from Edinburgh and Stirling University in Scotland showed the risk of dementia rose were water contained natural levels of fluoride - so we're not even talking additional fluoride as in a fluoridated region - and higher aluminium levels. 

This is because fluoride can raise the amount of aluminium absorbed. Some studies have supported this while others have not but the researchers suggest " there may be no safe levels of these substances when it comes to dementia risk." If you want to know more about other risks for the toxic subtype of Alzheimer's disease see chapter 17 of The A Word.